Lavorazioni Meccaniche conto terzi – Gima S.p.A.

New closed circuit washing and degreasing system DM Logica 200V

impianto di lavaggio e sgrassaggio a circuito chiuso per eliminazione trucioli di lavorazione - Gima Spa

Gima S.p.A. purchased a new system able to execute washing, degreasing and drying, removing the chips derived from the working processes. The machine safely uses the super stabilized tetrachlorethylene as solvent. Driven by a high de-pressurized vacuum, it ensures the best washing on complex surfaces and inside holes and slots.

The solvent is degreased before the washing cycle, ensuring the absence of air bubbles and so the homogenous penetration of the solvent in every part that has to be treated. After the washing, the parts are dried thanks to a strong vacuum that removes every trace of solvent. Moreover, the distillation process allow a total separation between the solvent and the oils, up to 1-4%.

The operator never gets in touch with the solvent, thanks to the usage of special devices which safeguard humans and environment.

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